Plugins Sample Page!

Here is a sample of the section of HTML code in the "Plugins and External Programs"  page which displays the list of links to the documentation for "ARexx Plugins", with the addition of some bold highlights and comment tags. (The same section is displayed normally below for reference purposes.)  It is recommended that you perform any changes on a copy of the original, so it can be restored if a mistake is made.  To do that, select "Save source" from the Project menu and save a copy to Ram:.  After making your changes to the copy, use "Open local" from the Project menu to load it into AWeb and check for errors before replacing the original page. The same instructions apply to the Customer Doc's page.

To add, modify, or remove items from this example, or any of the other sections, use the following steps as a guide:

  1. This item shows the rowspan=n parameter, adjust the number (n), to match the number of items in the sections list.

  2. The segment of code bounded by this item (2), is what you need to add, change, or remove (with suitable changes, as noted within these steps), when modifying the section.

  3. Here is the location of the pathname field for the documentation file.  If the file is in a sub-directory within the AWeb-II drawer, leave the PROGDIR: parameter alone, PROGDIR: is equivalent to the AWeb-II: assign.  If the file is outside of the AWeb-II drawer, replace the PROGDIR: parameter with the Volume name (ie. DH0:), followed by the full pathname.

  4. This number shows the location of the title field for each item in the section list.

  5. The description of each item in the section is shown in this field.

<tr valign=top>
    <td rowspan=6 align=right valign=top><h2>ARexx Plugins &nbsp;</h2>
(1)-->  ^^^^^^^^^
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:Plugins/AWebMail/AWebMail.Readme>AWebMail</a>
    <td>Sending Email via a web page MailTo link
<tr valign=top>
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:Plugins/AWebFTP/AWebFTP.Readme>AWebFTP</a>
    <td>The AWeb FTP ARExx script
<tr valign=top>
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:FTPMountDir/>FTPMount</a>
(3)-->                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    <td>About the FTP file transfer filesystem
<tr valign=top>
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:Plugins/HTTX/HTTX.doc.eng.html>HTTX</a>
    <td>HTML to ASCII text conversion, Print or Save to a file
<tr valign=top>
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:Plugins/HTTX/HTTXrx.readme.html>HTTXConfig</a>
(4)-->                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^
    <td>The AWeb HTTX ARexx interface
(5)-->  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<tr valign=top>
    <td><a href=file://localhost/PROGDIR:Plugins/AWebNews/AWebNews_doc.html>AWebNews</a>
    <td>How to use the online News reader

Actual appearance of this section!

ARexx Plugins  

AWebMail Sending Email via a web page MailTo link
AWebFTP The AWeb FTP ARExx script
FTPMount About the FTP file transfer filesystem
HTTX HTML to ASCII text conversion, Print or Save to a file
HTTXConfig The AWeb HTTX ARexx interface
AWebNews How to use the online News reader

End of example!

Additional plugins and datatypes can be found on both Aminet, and on our web site for download, along with other useful utilities and documentation. To get to our web site, select this link to the AmiTrix AWeb Home Page , or use the "AWeb home page"  item from the "Help"  menu.

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